Tales of the old forest faeries…

Mushrooms on Log (Foto: Aleksa Kalajdzic via Pexels)
Mushrooms on Log (Foto: Aleksa Kalajdzic via Pexels)

You might think that the magic would be used up in 2020, with all that has happened. But it hasn’t! You just have to find it …

The places where you can still feel it are many – and sometimes the magic is just a click away, for example, on the website https://talesoftheoldforestfaeries.com/ , where Athey Thompson regularly writes about the mystical sides of nature, english poems, short stories, impressions.

Webseite "Tales of the old forest faeries"
Website „Tales of the old forest faeries“

My favorite one is the nine-liner „I shall gather up“, which you almost want to frame and hang it over your desktop.

But there is much more to discover …

[Update in June 2023]

It seems that Athey Thompson’s wordpress site no longer exists since June 2023, which is really a pity. Perhaps it may be related to the fact that a printed book entitled „A little book of poems“ was published at the end of May 2023, but is currently out of print again.

But she has a Facebook-Fanpage too and an Instagram-Account.


Über Martin Dühning 1561 Artikel
Martin Dühning, geb. 1975, studierte Germanistik, kath. Theologie und Geschichte in Freiburg im Breisgau sowie Informatik in Konstanz, arbeitet als Lehrkraft am Hochrhein-Gymnasium in Waldshut und ist Gründer, Herausgeber und Chefredakteur von Anastratin.de.