You might think that the magic would be used up in 2020, with all that has happened. But it hasn’t! You just have to find it …
The places where you can still feel it are many – and sometimes the magic is just a click away, for example, on the website https://talesoftheoldforestfaeries.com/ , where Athey Thompson regularly writes about the mystical sides of nature, english poems, short stories, impressions.

My favorite one is the nine-liner „I shall gather up“, which you almost want to frame and hang it over your desktop.
But there is much more to discover …
[Update in June 2023]
It seems that Athey Thompson’s wordpress site no longer exists since June 2023, which is really a pity. Perhaps it may be related to the fact that a printed book entitled „A little book of poems“ was published at the end of May 2023, but is currently out of print again.
But she has a Facebook-Fanpage too and an Instagram-Account.