Farewell to the Dolphins

Dolphins (Foto: Tom Swinnen via Pexels)
Dolphins (Foto: Tom Swinnen via Pexels)

I am standing on top of my small little isle, my world‘s holy circle, so tiny and fine. And the moon rises high once more on the wide starlit sky, that precious one, and I say goodbye to my little island, say farewell to the dolphins.

Farewell to the Dolphins (Text: Martin Duehning)
Farewell to the Dolphins (Text: Martin Duehning)

Farewell to the Dolphins

I am standing on top of my small little isle,
My world‘s holy circle, so tiny and fine.

And the moon rises high once more
On the wide starlit sky, that precious one,
And I say goodbye to my little island,
Say farewell to the dolphins.

Yay, evening has come, the day is drawing to a close,
So many have come to me, so many passed away,
Descended into the sea of memories, the infinite past.

And the moon rises high once more
On the wide starlit sky, that precious one,
And I say goodbye to my little island,
Say farewell to the dolphins.

All my life i‘ve loved the sun, the moon and the stars,
The creatures of land, water and sky,
I lived in the knowledge that the world is open
To all those who are conscious of the dignity of life.

And the moon rises high once more
On the wide starlit sky, that precious one,
And I say goodbye to my little island,
Say farewell to the dolphins.

You were my home for so many years,
Little island, my dreamland, fond place,
I’ve gone around you so many times on my days,
In and out of your beaches, dunes and shores,
Oh, I’ve loved you as one human can do!

And the moon rises high once more
On the wide starlit sky, that precious one,
And I say goodbye to my little island,
Say farewell to the dolphins.

My fellows, you have been with me for so many years,
Through all the tides and weathers of the days,
Through the night’s mighty murmur,
Through the storms roaring, when the tide was full,
And when no wind blew through Winter‘s mists, unknown,
Through the summer sun’s heat, when salt burned hot.

And the moon rises high once more
On the wide starlit sky, that precious one,
And I say goodbye to my little island,
Say farewell to the dolphins.

Be not sad that my house is now deserted,
That my little garden is no longer tended,
For we do not till all the ages, we must not,
Not we, stardust, we silly little people –
I have been well in my time,
I have lived my days, truthfully.
I was not of the lie, and the lie was not mine.

And the moon rises high once more
On the wide starlit sky, that precious one,
Praising the keeper of all the faithful ones.
And I say goodbye to my little island,
Say farewell to the dolphins,
Say good-bye, say good bye!

For we are not alone,
For we are loved,
For we are free.

* * *

Über Martin Dühning 1550 Artikel
Martin Dühning, geb. 1975, studierte Germanistik, kath. Theologie und Geschichte in Freiburg im Breisgau sowie Informatik in Konstanz, arbeitet als Lehrkraft am Hochrhein-Gymnasium in Waldshut und ist Gründer, Herausgeber und Chefredakteur von Anastratin.de.