The Festival of the Hares

Another Poem, which will become part of „Telia Atanavi’s Book of Fairy Tales“.

The Festival of the Hares (Text: Martin Duehning)
The Festival of the Hares (Text: Martin Duehning)

The Festival of the Hares, the evil Hunter
and the Little Green Fairy

On top of a green, green, green, green summer hill
I saw two hares coming,
One was playing the flute, the flute, the flute,
The other a drum he was beating.

Next came an ugly, ugly hunter-hunter-hunter man,
He shot the one hare down,
And the other one, as you can imagine, imagine, imagine,
He felt so lonely and he lamented.

That watched the little green, green, green, green fairy,
It made her terribly mad
and she turned, turned, turned
the evil huntsman into old cold stone…

Text © Martin Dee / loosely based on the Danish folk song „På en grøn bakketop“.

Über Martin Dühning 1559 Artikel
Martin Dühning, geb. 1975, studierte Germanistik, kath. Theologie und Geschichte in Freiburg im Breisgau sowie Informatik in Konstanz, arbeitet als Lehrkraft am Hochrhein-Gymnasium in Waldshut und ist Gründer, Herausgeber und Chefredakteur von