Once I had to deal with some deplorable people who thought hope was a gift from Pandora, a harmful poison. That’s a truly outlandish view. It bewilders me how one can live with such an attitude.
For me, hope is one of the three gifts of grace, a gift of the Holy Spirit, but also an universal philosophical view that benefits the ethos of life.
In keeping with this, I have written a few small quotes:
As it seams, some people receive
good fortune, lottery winnings
and undeserved success,
while others are showered with evils.
But this is no reason for false excuses:
In the end, what matters most is
what you do with your life.
Even with stones thrown in your path
you can build beautiful things,
as Goethe already knew.
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Hope is
the gift of making future possible
by not closing oneself off to it.
Hope is
an attitude of the heart,
not a construct of thought.
From thoughts grows fiction,
but from hope grows life.
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Another quote, but this time from the great Václav Havel, emphasizes the dimension of meaning carried by hope:
Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well,
but the certainty that something has meaning,
no matter how it turns out. – Václav Havel (1936-2011)